At the First showing......

at the first showing is a blog about non professional writers and up and coming writers give there opinion about movies,tv,books, and music.all opinions are of the writer. if a writer thinks something sucks, they will speak there mind about it and everything is up to disscussion in the comments......enjoy and laugh and ponder.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

what happen to jared leto?????


seriously....wat happen?????

Jared Leto who once a well praised indy actor for his works in fight club and requiem for a dream has been slumming it right now. i dont remember a jared leto movie in the last 3 years. its a terrible thing because i really enjoy alot of his films.(fight club,american physco, and requiem for a dream). Photobucket

those years missing in action he has been missing in action, he is been working with his band 30 seconds of mars. not to say its a bad thing tho. actually i really do enjoy his lastest cd but thats besides the point. i want that fucker back making movies, thats wat i enjoy from him the most. jackass!!!! actually maybe he is returning i last heard of a david chapman movie were he gain alot of weight for. stop crying over lindsay lohan cuz she likes bush now and make some fucking movies man .


-drake rivera Photobucket



Blogger Unknown said...

this is a cool side

June 27, 2015 at 2:45 AM  

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