At the First showing......

at the first showing is a blog about non professional writers and up and coming writers give there opinion about movies,tv,books, and music.all opinions are of the writer. if a writer thinks something sucks, they will speak there mind about it and everything is up to disscussion in the comments......enjoy and laugh and ponder.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

thoughts of a philosopher : the dark knight has flaws


The Dark Knight must be by far the best film of the summer, yet it is not without its faults. Heath was superb and most likely the one developed, fully evolved character in the film. Bale did an alright job, yet his voice was still bothersome and it seemed less about Bruce Wayne/Batman and more about Gordan and other supporting roles. The joker did not bleed throughout the film even in instances where he should have which was bothersome. Nolan's fight scene again were shot way to quickly, perhaps it is his way but it leaves a missing piece. In the end I wanted a fight scene between Joker and Batman yet was left wanted more Joker and less two-face. I love this film, yet couldn't help but be bothered by its problems.

-the philosopherPhotobucket



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