At the First showing......

at the first showing is a blog about non professional writers and up and coming writers give there opinion about movies,tv,books, and music.all opinions are of the writer. if a writer thinks something sucks, they will speak there mind about it and everything is up to disscussion in the comments......enjoy and laugh and ponder.

Friday, August 22, 2008

review:ironman....the second viewing


"that's redicious i don't paint"

well the first this thing i could say is that iron man is the best comic book movie ever!!.......till the dark knight came out.Iron man at its debut, was the next big box office hit for comic book movies.....till dark knight came out and smashed records left and right ,now with the title of 2Nd best grossing film of all time. OK OK i keep talking about the dark knight ,even tho this is a iron man review. my bad ...but fuck wasn't the dark knight the fucking best.

Anyways back to the review....iron man is about billionaire Bruce Wayne(kidding)tony stark who is the biggest weapons dealer on the planet is wounded and kidnapped . with strapnel win his body(caused by his own weapons that his company has been creating)devises away to create a device that has unlimited power and can keep the strapnel away from his a
cave. later has a idea to create a suit powered by his device and uses it against his captures and escape. with knowing that his company is supplying weapons to both the good guys and the bad guys, dedicated his life to stop production of weapons and fight out on those who use them for evil under the identity of iron man!!!!

this is really a standard superhero story. man creates power ,uses power against evil,hero receives sequel.

the great quality doesnt really come from the story but from robert downey jrs profromance. downey really does breath life into the second rate superhero and makes him feel fresh and fun. from his many own one liners and quirky personality, he is really the own that sells this movie.


the next big thing that also really sells this movie is the practical/cgi effects.
they when combined in this film is really something to wittness. i cant remember one moment were i could call out between real or fake.(other then of course the flying and the big finale)

i know i praise the dark knight for me almost being flawless, and like i said iron man and batman are apples and oranges. but iron man is still a fun movie to watch. but if your going to pick one for the upcoming holiday season.....cough cough dark knight cough cough.

score:8 out of 10

-drake rivera Photobucket



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